
Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey - Pierwszy Taniec- Wedding Dance Choreography

Yes, we know the title is boozy, and some of the lyrics are too. But Stapleton’s vocals are so sultry, and there’s nothing like getting high on love 💕 Lyrics You’ll Love: “I've looked for love in all the same old places/Found the bottom of a bottle always dry/But when you poured out your heart I didn't waste it/'Cause there's nothing like your love to get me high” ❤️ Learn this wedding dance choreography Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey Step by Step on this course Choreography Tennessee Whiskey #weddingdance #firstdance #dancebookpl #pierwszytanieconline #pierwszytaniec #onlinetutorial #piosenkinapierwszytaniec


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